COG / / DIS – COGNITIVE DISSONANCE – PART 1: THE LAUGHING JACKAL is now live, and I am extremely excited with it’s launch. I cannot be happier. This has been a project that’s been years in the making, and will take years to complete, but I am confident, and excited, to see it to it’s completion.


Undoubtedly, this project is going to take a lot of work and effort, which is why I am going to start with doing 1 page per week at this current time. Once I am more confident with my personal pacing, as well as my own structure of the webcomic, I will increase the frequency of posting to 2 pages per week, however it will be some time until I am at that point.


I am excited, and elated, and I cannot wait to share more of my project with y’all.


Expect posts every Tuesday / Thursday.


Thank you.